The ultimate coffee farming partnership!

The ultimate coffee farming partnership!

Both Mr and Mrs Lupo are smallholder coffee farmers - they have been around coffee for a very long time - 25-30 years.
Their coffee field is around 1 hectare big.
Mr Lugo is about to turn 70 and all he really wants in life, he says, is to look younger. Don’t we all?!
Even though Wycliffe has been buying their coffee cherries for a some time, he has only recently met Mr Lugo. When Wycliffe would arrive at their home to collect their freshly picked coffee cherries, it always happened to be the that case that Mr Lugo was not around. Wycliffe would collect the cherries from Mrs Lugo and leave a gift; bread and sugar.
Mr Lugo told us he kept hearing about this guy called Wycliffe who only bought the finest cherries and kept dropping off bread and sugar.

“I wanted to meet this guy" he said “I was starting to think you were a ghost”

Here is Wycliffe in the living breathing flesh with Mr and Mrs Lugo under one of their coffee trees.

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