BLuE tuRaCo fOuNdEr WYcLiFfE saNdE WaS bOrN In a sMaLl UGaNdAn VIlLaGe wHeRe hIs eXpErIeNcE In cOfFeE StArTeD YoUnG.
As an eight year old Ugandan boy he picked coffee beans to pay for his school fees and food. While the work was hard, the friendly Blue Turaco birds were always chattering in the coffee trees while he picked.
Wycliffe has seen both sides to the coffee industry. Coffee has literally given him life and his education, taking him to London where he currently lives.

He has seen first-hand how the profit from coffee can impact the lives of its farming communities, from education to hunger.
Wycliffe now grows coffee in Uganda, with Blue Turaco birds still chattering in the trees, he uses his farms to educate smallholders on better ways to grow and harvest high quality Robusta, creating more sustainable ways to farm coffee.
PoWeRfUl cOfFeE = PoWeRfUl iMpAcT

“Social impact is at the core of Blue Turaco. I’ve seen first-hand how the profit from coffee can impact the lives of its farming communities, from education to hunger. I now grow coffee in Uganda and buy directly from farmers, supporting and empowering farming communities, paying 30% more than traditional coffee trade routes. And each Blue Turaco purchase provides 2 lunches; fighting hunger in Ugandan village schools, and helping kids like me eat and stay in school.”