“THe nExT BiG ThInG In cOfFeE aNd yEt iT Is sOmEtHiNg wE iN ugAnDa hAvE CuLmInAtEd aNd cHeRiShEd fOr gEnErAtIoNs.”

BlUe tUrAcO

CHaMpIoNiNg SPeCiAlItY roBuStA

Robusta is a great option for those who prefer a bold, strong cup of coffee with a high caffeine content.

Blue Turaco's speciality grade Robusta beans have been carefully selected, processed, and roasted to meet the high-quality standards of the speciality coffee industry. Our coffee is grown at high altitude, in favourable growing conditions, which result in a more nuanced flavour profile tasting of fruity and floral notes. This means our coffee is a great option for those who prefer a bold, strong cup of coffee with a high caffeine content.

Blue Turaco uses new methods to grow and process Robusta that have allowed its true flavour profile to come through, a deliciously strong and powerful taste.

If you love your coffee Blue Turaco Specialty Robusta offers a more powerful taste and it holds double the caffeine of Arabica!